by An | Failure, Goal Getters Club, Worrying Too Much About What Others Think
Setting a goal is the easy part. Committing to that goal is the hard part. Because it’s in those moments when things are harder than expected – when you screw up, get criticized, don’t get the results you are after, slip back into an old...
by An | Confidence Booster, Failure, Worrying Too Much About What Others Think
Ease doesn’t create confidence. You get more confident, not because things were easy. But because they were difficult and you handled it – even when things were hard. Like what you see? Get updates delivered straight to you!Plus, you'll get my Get...
by An | Confidence Booster, Failure, Worrying Too Much About What Others Think
Have you been celebrating yourself today? What do you love about yourself? What do you appreciate yourself for? Seriously, ask yourself that question. And name the things you love about yourself. Your laughter. The way you solved that problem. How you...
by An | Confidence Booster, Failure, Worrying Too Much About What Others Think
I bet you’ve had those moments too. Those moments when you felt elated, confident, excited, proud. You got rave reviews on that presentation you just did. They said yes to your idea. You got asked to take the lead in that project. And those experiences...
by An | Confidence Booster, Failure, Worrying Too Much About What Others Think
Many of my coaching clients have this tendency to undervalue themselves and overvalue others. Without even being fully aware that they are doing that. Being in awe of what their colleagues or friends are doing. Dismissing or not even noticing the great things...
by An | Confidence Booster, Failure, Goal Getters Club, Worrying Too Much About What Others Think
You don’t give up because you made a mistake or failed along the way. Even though it might seem that way. You give up because your brain considers it proof you haven’t got what it takes. You don’t give up because you slipped back into an...