Do you notice all the things you’re telling yourself?
If you’d tell those exact same things to someone else, would you consider yourself to be uplifting, encouraging, inspiring?
If yes, turn up the volume.
If not, change that channel.
The words that would have a discouraging, disempowering effect on someone else, have the EXACT SAME effect on you.
Choose what you tell yourself – deliberately and purposefully.
Choose the way you look at things – deliberately and purposefully.
You can tell yourself you are hopelessly stuck.
Or you can tell yourself that you are in the process of figuring things out.
Which feels more encouraging?
You can tell yourself you are such a loser for getting something wrong.
Over and over again.
Or you can give yourself a pat on the back for having shown up, for having taken that action, for having ventured out of your comfort zone.
You can tell yourself – yes, this is NOT how I hoped things to go. And that’s s-cks. Things being what they are – how can I use this as an opportunity to show my strengths, my resilience, resourcefulness, creativity, leadership?
Which feels most energizing?
You KNOW how to be uplifting, encouraging, inspiring to others.
So today, treat yourself the exact same way you would treat your co-worker, partner or friend.
You deserve it as much as they do.
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