Hi There!
I’m An Bourmanne
Career + Confidence Coach for Ambitious Go-Getters Who (Secretly) Worry Too Much About What Other People Think
The job, the promotion, the car, the holidays, the good life – they DON’T create confidence.
(Even though they are what we often aim for to feel better.)
To-dos done, deadlines met, inbox zero and hard work – they DON’T create confidence.
(Even though they are what we often aim for to feel more confident.)
Mistakes, screw-ups, criticism and pushback – they DON’T undermine confidence.
(Even though they are what we often aim to avoid to feel more confident.)
Confidence doesn’t come from success or compliments.
Confidence isn’t undermined by failures and criticism.
Confidence is created in our brain.
Even when we fail or get criticized.
Especially when we fail or get criticized.
You just need to know how to use your brain to create confidence.
Confidence is a skill you can learn.
Let me teach you how.
Get the Starter Kit and never look back.